Gov. Abbott Sends Emergency Personnel & Equipment to Louisiana


AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott announced that, at the request of the State of Louisiana through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), the State of Texas Monday deployed numerous resources and personnel to support Hurricane Ida response and recovery efforts. Resources include: 1 CH 47 (Chinook) Helicopter, 14 crew members, 30 Type 1 Fire Engines, and 132 firefighters through the Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS). Texas A&M Task Force One is also on the ground to provide urban search and rescue capabilities. The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) will continue to review any additional EMAC requests from the State of Louisiana to provide additional response and recovery assets that may be needed.

"The State of Texas is proud to support our neighbors in Louisiana by sending emergency resources and personnel to assist with the aftermath of Hurricane Ida," said Governor Abbott. "We will never forget the kindness, generosity, and support offered by the people of Louisiana during Hurricane Harvey four years ago, and we are eager to support them in their own time of need. When neighbors help neighbors, America is stronger. Cecilia and I continue to pray for the people of Louisiana affected by Hurricane Ida and the first responders who have answered the call to protect and serve those affected by this storm."

We are in the peak of the 2021 Hurricane Season, which doesn’t end until November 30. Texans should be sure they have taken every step to prepare now ahead of the next storm:

  • Review Plans for Shelter and Evacuation
  • Sign Up for Local Emergency Alerts
  • Build an Emergency Kit
  • Check Insurance Coverage and Document Property (Flood insurance has a 30-day waiting period after purchase)
  • Develop a Family Communication Plan


More Hurricane Preparedness Tips:

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