Representative Darby appointed to federal Department of Interior's Royalty Policy Committee by Secretary Zinke


AUSTIN, TX - Representative Drew Darby has been appointed to the United States Department of the Interior's Royalty Policy Committee by Secretary Ryan Zinke. The committee is responsible for advising the Secretary on energy and mineral resource development on Indian and Federal lands, evaluating current and emerging issues and if changes in policy are needed.

"It is my honor to accept an appointment from Secretary Zinke for the Royalty Policy Committee within President Trump's administration, " said Representative Darby. "I will continue to fight for the best interests of Texas."

From the Department of the Interior's announcement:

"Working closely with the Committee, we will come up with solutions for modernizing the management of public and American Indian assets, while building greater trust and transparency in how we value our nation's public mineral resources,” said Secretary Zinke. “It's important that the taxpayers and tribes get the full and fair value of traditional and renewable energy produced on public lands and offshore areas."

The Committee may also advise the Secretary on the potential impacts of proposed policies and regulations related to revenue collection from energy and mineral development on public lands, including whether a need exists for regulatory reform. To underscore the Department’s commitment to reforming revenue management and royalty collections, the Committee, which may consist of up to 28 members, reflects the diverse perspectives of a wide-range of stakeholders, including representatives of western states and American Indian tribes that produce energy, energy stakeholders, academic groups and the general public, as well as Interior officials. Non-federal members will serve three-year terms.

The committee's first meeting is October 4th in Washington D.C. The agenda and meeting materials will be posted on the Committee website at

Rep. Darby represents Coke, Concho, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Reagan, Runnels, Sterling, and Tom Green Counties. In the 85th Legislature, he serves as Chairman of the Energy Resources committee, Chairman of the State & Federal Power & Responsibility committee, and as a member of the Redistricting and Ways & Means committees.




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