Yep! There are now Three Hurricanes Spinning Off the Coast


SILVER SPRING, MD -- Irma, Jose and Katia; the three named storms in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean are now hurricane strength storms according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Hurricane Irma  is threatening Puerto Rico and all of Florida.  Forecasters say Irma is bigger, faster and stronger than Hurricane Andrew.  Irma has sustained winds of 185 mph and is battering the Virgin Islands.  The massive  storm is moving west-northwest at 16 mph and is threatening Florida.  

The core of hurricane Irma is passing Puerto Rico with sustained winds of 185 mph.

Hurricane Jose has maximum sustained winds of 75 mph and is moving west-northwest at 17 mph.   

Hurricane Katia is located off the coast of Mexico in the Gulf and has sustained winds of 75 mph.  Katia is moving east-southeast at 5 mph.     

We will update this story as information becomes available.  

UPDATED 9/6/2017 6:40 p.m.

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Urlik, Wed, 09/06/2017 - 19:17

Katie is moving west southwest and expected to cross Mexico into the Pacific.

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