Central Bobcats' Epic Comeback Falls Just Short


AMARILLO, TX — The San Angelo Central Bobcats made the long trip north to Amarillo on Friday, September 6, to play the Amarillo High Sandies. Despite an explosive start, turnovers and penalties destroyed the ‘Cats' momentum in the first half. However, the 'Cats showed resiliency after the break and mounted a furious comeback. In the end, Central ran out of time and fell 48-45.

After the Bobcats’ defense forced a 3-and-out, Central’s offense quickly went to work. Senior quarterback Christian English found a streaking Jimmy Edwards on a long ball to score the game’s first touchdown. Central led early, 7-0.

The ‘Cats followed another punt from Amarillo with almost the exact same play. On the ‘Cats’ 45-yard line, English loaded up and hit Edwards for his second touchdown, this time, a 55-yard bomb.

Amarillo finally came alive after that. A deep ball of their own put Amarillo on the board before a forced fumble on the ensuing kickoff set the Sandies up on Central’s side of the field. The ‘Cats stuffed the run, but another deep ball tied the game with 3:29 left in the 1st quarter. To make matters worse for the Bobcats, Amarillo then forced a 3-and-out and scored another touchdown off a blocked punt. Amarillo took the lead entering the 2nd quarter, 21-14.

The Bobcats’ signal caller hit an unusual stretch after the blocked punt. On the following two possessions, English threw interceptions. The normally laser-accurate quarterback threw back-to-back picks that Amarillo turned into touchdowns.

Later, with the ball and less than two minutes to play, Amarillo High drove down the field and punched the ball into the end zone as time expired. The Bobcats headed to the locker room, down at the break, 35-14. 

Two penalties on the final play of the half set up the Sandies to kick off in the 2nd half at Central’s 35-yard line. Amarillo High lined up for the onside kick and recovered it. One play later, Amarillo High extended their lead to 42-14.

The ‘Cats began to take chances on offense after that. English loaded up a 3rd and 30 play to try and connect to Colton Hill on another deep ball, but it was intercepted. Worse, Hill was injured on the play, the returner moved the ball to the 50, and the Bobcats had three more personal fouls. 45 yards in penalties later, the Sandies set up at Central’s 12-yard line. One play later, Amarillo High scored again.

Central finally responded on offense for their first touchdown since the first quarter. Excellent runs from the Bobcats' three running backs set up a 3-yard touchdown run by Christian English. After a successful 2-point conversion, the ‘Cats trailed 48-22.


What happened during the last quarter and a half of the game is why Texans love high school football. Not only did Central look like a completely new team on defense, but the offense relit that fire they had at the start of the game. 

Central Bobcats' Gavin Johnson on a long touchdown run down the sideline against Amarillo High

Central Bobcats' Gavin Johnson on a long touchdown run down the sideline against Amarillo High

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

The 'Cats' defense forced a turnover on downs on the Sandies' ensuing possession to set a trend that would last until the final buzzer. Amarillo High never scored again.

On offense, English led the 'Cats on three straight touchdown drives to put the Bobcats within three points with 1:50 remaining in the 4th quarter. These touchdowns featured a run from English, a pass to Gavin Johnson, and finally a swing pass to Jesse Smith to put the Bobcats back in the contest.

During the epic comeback, Central would convert four, count it, FOUR 2-point conversions. Down, 48-14, everyone in the stadium thought this game was over. This Bobcats team proved that no matter how far down they are, Central is truly never out.

Despite the comeback, the 'Cats simply ran out of time. Central's defense forced another fourth down, but with no timeouts, the remaining clock drained away. Amarillo High hung on by the skin of their teeth, 48-45.

Head Coach Mark Smith talked about the resiliency of his young team after the game. Watch that interview below:


Central proved that, while they are still a young team that struggles, they are getting better with each passing week. The Bobcats return to action on the road next Friday, September 13, when the Cats battle Abilene Cooper at Shotwell Stadium in Abilene.

COVER1 Post-Game Show Week 2 Sept. 6, 2024

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