Brownwood to Open at Wall after Lightning Cancels Abilene Wylie Game


WALL, TX— Due to the storms over the weekend, the Brownwood Lions were not able to play Abilene Wylie so they will open their season against the Wall Hawks.

Due to lightning, the Brownwood/Wylie game kept getting postponed. For every lightning strike in the area, 30 minutes must pass without another strike in the area, or the 30-minute timer gets reset.

In the end, the game could not be played or rescheduled. Now, Brownwood gets to open their season at Clayton Weishuhn Field against the 1-0 Wall Hawks.

The Hawks took it to the Mason Punchers last week, 28-6, even after a small delay.

Hawks’ quarterback Landon York finished that game 7-18 for 148 yards, two touchdowns with one interception.

Running back Hagyn Barbee and Thomas Leanos each punched in a touchdown on the ground. Briggs Jones was York’s favorite receiver with three catches for 102 yards and two scores, all in Wall’s new offense.

Defensively, the Hawks got after it going against an offensive line that returned all of theirs starters from last season. Garren Wiggins and Brylan White both finished with double digit tackles, 11 and 10 respectively. Ethan Michalewicz followed those two up with nine and Lane Stansberry ended up with seven.

Barbee also picked off Mason’s quarterback Carlton Schmidt one time.

The Lions have settled on a quarterback in junior Judson Coalson, who has Carson Noe and Stone Ratliff at receiver and Trey Mosley, a running back who came in from Duncanville.

Of course, defensively, Weston Wolf, Robert Trowbridge, and Noah Gonzalez replace holes on the defense left by Quinton McCarty and Marsello Hooker.

The Brownwood Lions play the Wall Hawks in Wall at Clayton Weishuhn Field at 7:00 p.m. on September 6, 2024.

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