Angelo State Dominates to Advance to the College World Series Final


CARY, NC — The Angelo State Rams return to the Division II College World Series Final for the second year in a row after a dominant win over Indiana (PA). The Rams showed short-term memory on Friday, June 7, in an elimination game to win 7-3.

Angelo State jumped out to an early lead in the bottom of the 2nd inning thanks to an error, hit by pitch, infield, single, and then several walks. Indiana (PA)'s starting pitcher only made it through an inning before he was replaced. Headed to the 3rd inning, the Rams led 4-0.

Defensively, the Rams held strong throughout the game. After a rough pitching performance on Thursday, Angelo State recovered. Braxton Pearson gave the Rams four solid innings on the mound, five hits, and one earned run allowed before Johnny Stacy and Colby Casey finished the job.

Angelo State Rams Tripp Clark

Angelo State Rams Tripp Clark


The Rams' bats heated up in the 5th inning when Tayten Treadaway hit an RBI single, and Tripp Clark hit a solo homer in the bottom of the 6th. Johnny Stacy received the win on the mound, and Colby Casey was credited with a save in the Ram's 7-3 win.

Next up, Angelo State heads to the Division II College World Series Final against Tampa University. Unfortunately for the Rams, Tampa remained undefeated on their side of the bracket, so Angelo State will have to win back-to-back games to take home the championship. This group of young men has shown resilience throughout this season, so that goal is not out of reach.

The first pitch for Game 1 of the Final will be on Saturday, June 8, at 12:30 p.m.

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