SAN ANGELO, TX – The Wall Hawks will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the undefeated 1971 football team that won the regional championship.
In 1971 the Wall Hawks won 12 games against not only Concho Valley schools but teams from across the state.
1971 Wall Hawks Football Schedule:
Robert Lee 7-2
- Menard 32-6
- Eden 32-0
- Forsan 50-0
- Loraine 45-0
- Seagraves 14-12
- Hawley 21-0
- Bronte 63-0
- Blanket 55-0
- Jim Ned 41-0
- Loraine 55-0
- Grandfalls 59-6
At the time, Wall was playing in the "Class B" division and there was not a state championship game. Instead they would just play until they won the regional championship.
In 1971 the Wall Hawks won the regional championship and was ranked the number one "Class B" teams in the state by the Harris Rating.

1971 Wall Hawks (SA LIVE! Viewer Photo/ Suzie Wilde)
The team consisted of Donald Branden (66), Tooter Wilde (63), Dwain Calvert (70), Jim Westbrook (85), Don Parsons (77), James Branden (55), Dusty Weidner (51), Steven Kadlacek (71), Daryl Weishuhn (80), Charles Halfmann (83), Leslie Plagens (14), Jimmy Sefcik (10), Benny Holik (12), Wilfred Wilde (31), and Larry Wilde (65). The team was coached by George Demere and Warren Townley.
The stars of the team were tailback Benny Holik, quarterback Jimmy Sefcik, and fullback Will Wilde. In an article from the local newspaper coach Townley remarked on how fast the Wall Hawk offense was at the time.
"If Benny got the ball on the perimeter you could forger it. They couldn't catch him. He could flat fly," said Coach Townley. "We weren't the biggest team in the world but we had speed in the backfield. They could turn the crank, so to speak."
This is the only team that has gone undefeated at Wall. This next closest was the 2013 team that was undefeated and lost in the state championship game.
The 1971 team will be honored during half time of tomorrow night's game against the TLCA Eagles.
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