WATCH: Riding with Courage with San Angelo's Ambassadors


SAN ANGELO, TX - As another San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo has come and gone, a new San Angelo Ambassadors team will emerge. Upcoming tryouts on Sunday, March 17th will introduce a new team to represent San Angelo in rodeos throughout Texas. 

For captain Lauren Feller being apart of the Ambassadors has been a big part of her life especially since she's been able to combine doing what she loves the most and this organization.

"I got my first horse when I was four," said four-year member Lauren Feller. "I've been riding horses with my parents way before that so yes since I could walk I've been riding a horse."

Ambassadors coach Misty Preston stressed that this program isn't one that somebody picks up overnight. 

WATCH: The San Angelo Ambassadors:



"You really have to know how to ride," said Preston. "This is not an easy program. It can't be somebody that's just been riding for a week or year. It's something that these girls really have to work at."

Aside from having to be selected and going through constant training with the team Feller explains the thrill of the ride before a packed house of rodeo fans is unlike anything else.

"It's a huge adrenaline rush," exclaimed Feller. "It's smiling, it's wanting to cry, it's being scared, it's being happy. It's literally every emotion you can think all packed into the first 15 seconds of us walking down the alley before we perform."

Dealing with emotions just before a ride was one thing for Feller and the San Angelo Ambassadors team, but it was another having to cope with Feller's family setback when her mother Gina Feller was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2018.

"It hit all of us, not just me," said Feller. "We're a family. We all support her. We all watch over her, and we all pray for her. It's made us work even harder to be able to go out there and do this for her in honor of her."

Lauren's mother would eventually overcome breast cancer with multiple chemotherapy treatments, but for Ambassadors coach Misty Preston it was a true sign of courage watching Lauren along with this team show support for their fellow ambassador and her family.

"I'm so proud of her, I'm so proud of you (Lauren)," exclaimed Preston. "Emotionally you've got to be drained. Going through that with your mother and leading this team."

Moving forward and having overcome so much as a team, Feller believes the Ambassadors will continue to be a great team.

"This organization is going to keep getting better because of the people we have in it and the people yet come," said Feller. "I truly believe that no matter what happens like any kind of obstacle that's thrown in its way, we as a team, we as individuals and us the organization can only go up from here."

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Is there so little happening in our fair city that we are still reporting on the rodeo?! Let's move on shall we...

This is a great story. I love to hear about the good in our town and not the bad all the time. In big cities that’s all you hear is the bad.

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