San Angelo

  • San Angelo Celebrates Adoption

    11/18/2022 - 11:56 , by live
    SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo and Tom Green County celebrated National Adoption Day at the Sugg room in the Stephens Library Friday. The annual event is a collective effort to raise awareness of the more than 113,000 children waiting to be adopted from foster care in the United States. A coalition of national partners (the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, Alliance for Children’s Rights and Children’s Action Network) founded National Adoption Day.
  • Angelo State Alum Named Veteran of the Year

    11/11/2022 - 14:02 , by jamesb
    Richard Mayer, a U.S. Naval Air Corps veteran and longtime supporter of Angelo State University, was named the 2022 Remembering Angelo's Military (R.A.M.) Veteran of the Year during ASU's annual Veterans Day Luncheon today in the Houston Harte University Center.
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