City Offices, Trash Services to Close for Holidays


SAN ANGELO, TX - San Angelo city offices and services will observe closures for Christmas and New Year’s holidays, affecting operations from Dec. 24-26 and on Jan. 1.

Trash collection will be delayed by one day for both holiday weeks.

The San Angelo Animal Shelter, Municipal Court, McNease Convention Center, Parks and Recreation offices, and water billing offices are among the facilities that will close during these periods. Operations will resume on Dec. 27 following Christmas and on Jan. 2 after New Year’s Day.

The landfill will also shut down on Christmas and New Year’s Day.

Fort Concho, including its visitor center at 630 S. Oakes St., will close Dec. 24-26 and Jan. 1. Outside of these dates, the fort will maintain regular hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays.

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Citizens: Did your employer pay you for two extra days off for Christmas with pay? Who's responsible for giving two extra days off with pay to city employees ? If employees want off for Christmas let them use their vacation time and not my tax money. I call it unearned vacation pay.

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