San Angelo Police Receive $25,000 Donation for Training, Equipment


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Police Department received a $25,000 donation from the local nonprofit Back the Badge, which will fund equipment upgrades and training for officers, Police Chief Travis Griffith announced during Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

Chief Griffith recognized Back the Badge for its continued support of law enforcement, saying that the funds have been used for training new supervisors to address recent turnover and for purchasing gym equipment.

“Back the Badge is a wonderful organization that raises money for local law enforcement, and it splits the money between us and the Sheriff’s Department,” Griffith said. “We appreciate your organization and what it means to this community.”

Blake, a board chair for Back the Badge, noted the nonprofit’s mission to grow support for law enforcement.

“It’s a great cause to help and support our local law enforcement,” he said.

He also announced that this year’s Back the Badge Clay Bird Shoot fundraiser is scheduled for the last weekend in March, prior to Easter and Rodeo weekends.

Chief Griffith presented the organization with two special challenge coins, one from the department’s drone division and another from the K-9 division.

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