Concho Valley Regional Food Bank Warns of Misleading Fundraising Campaign


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Concho Valley Regional Food Bank urges residents to be cautious of a recent fundraising campaign by the “San Angelo Food Bank,” which officials said is not affiliated with the long-standing local organization.

In a statement posted, CVRFB clarified that the “San Angelo Food Bank” is a branch created by the San Antonio Food Bank after CVRFB opted to remain independent and maintain local control. The organization has served the Concho Valley for nearly 50 years. 

"Let's continue to support our truly local food bank in their mission to feed our hungry neighbors here in the Concho Valley by not sending our dollars to San Antonio," the statement reads. "We know how to take care of our own better than anyone in San Antonio could possibly know, especially since the CVRFB has been doing it since the 80's."

The clarification follows concerns over mail solicitations that may confuse donors.

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