Barrel Racer Sues the San Angelo Rodeo


SAN ANGELO, TX — A barrel racer is suing the San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo Association after she was injured last year during the Cinch Roping Fiesta. 

Danica Wilde, 36, who is from San Angelo and graduated from Wall High School, is seeking more than $250,000, but not more than $1 million, in damages.

Wilde was injured during a match horse race Oct. 29, 2023, according to her lawsuit, which states it was the first time that event was held at the Cinch Roping Fiesta. According to her Facebook page, Ms. Wilde also competes as a barrel racer at rodeo events.

In this event where Wilde was competing was a little different. It was a straight sprint between two horses that covered a distance less than one furlong (660 feet) that was held in an enclosure at the Cinch Roping Arena, 200 W. 43rd St., the lawsuit stated.

As the horses finished the race, the short length of the enclosed track at the roping arena forced the riders to veer to the left to slow and avoid running into the fence that enclosed the end of the track, according to the lawsuit.

Positioned on the outside of the horse she was racing, Wilde was blocked by the competing horse from steering her own horse to the left, and was forced to cut behind the other horse and rider. Left without enough room to stop, Wilde pulled back on the reins to try to slow her horse, and the horse decelerated abruptly, throwing Wilde headfirst into the border fence and causing her to crash to the ground, the lawsuit stated.

Wilde claims she sustained “serious personal injuries” as a result of the incident.

Wilde’s lawsuit also states she was an invited entrant in the match horse racing event being held on the grounds of the San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo Association, and she was therefore an invitee on the defendant’s premises under Texas law.

Wilde is being represented by Donald G. Desimone, a personal injury attorney from Houston.

The San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo’s attorney, Jon Mark Hogg of San Angelo, has filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit. 

The motion cited Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code Section 87.003, which states, in part, that “all persons, including a farm animal activity sponsor . . . are not liable for property damages or damages from the personal injury or death of a participant in a farm animal activity or livestock show if the property damage, injury, or death results from the dangers of conditions that are an inherent risk of a farm animal activity…”

A hearing to consider the dismissal will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, in front of Judge Carmen Dusek at the 51st District Court.

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Taking the Stock Show to court because she can't control her horse.  Nice.  Hope she isn't invited back!

With a profession in the rodeo circuit comes injuries. It's part of that profession. You take a risk, sign a waiver and get on your mount. When cowboys and cowgirls fall off they get back on . They DO NOT sue the circuit for their misfortune. I wouldn't allow her to cut my yard after this.

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