2 San Angelo Collection Sites Open for Donating Goods to New Mexico Fire Victims


SAN ANGELO, TX – In response to the devastating wildfires in Ruidoso, New Mexico, at least three San Angelo organizations and businesses have launched a relief effort to collect donations for those affected.

The Concho Valley Republican Women have initiated a drive to fill a trailer with essential supplies by this Friday at 5 p.m., with plans to deliver the donations to the impacted area the next day.

Residents are encouraged to contribute non-perishable foods, bathroom, kitchen, and laundry supplies, clothing, shoes, and blankets. Any items that can aid those who have lost everything in the wildfires are welcomed.

Donations can be dropped off at Family Powersports, 4160 West Houston Harte Expressway. The collected items will be stored at this location and delivered to Ruidoso on Saturday, June 22.

Santa Fe Furniture and Gifts, located at 1524 S. Bryant Blvd., is also collecting supplies through Saturday, with plans to transport the aid to the impacted areas in New Mexico as quickly as possible. Santa Fe is asking for donations of:

  • Blankets, pillows, and towels
  • Toiletries and hygiene items
  • Non-perishable foods
  • Baby formula
  • Diapers and wipes
  • Bottled water
  • Clothing and shoes
  • Pet supplies and food
  • Sleeping bags
  • Batteries

According to Santa Fe, the pickup trailer is located at the corner of its parking lot.

An evening Facebook post from the nonprofit Community Power New Mexico, based in Alamogordo, New Mexico, stated that the affected areas need formula, diapers, hygiene products, socks, underwear, and food.

"At the Mescalero community center, tribe members living in the evacuation zone have gone to the reservation. Many are staying with family but have nothing but the clothes on their backs. There are many elderly, children, and disabled individuals who need looking after, and everyone is stepping up!" stated the Community Power group.

Family Power Sports Flier

Family Power Sports Flier

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