M.L. Leddy’s Sammy Farmer Retiring After 30+ Years


SAN ANGELO, TX — Sammy Farmer, a long-time employee at M.L. Leddy’s Boots & Saddlery and current Tom Green County Commissioner for Precinct 2, is retiring after more than 30 years of service. 

The retirement celebration will take place on June 28, from 2 to 6 p.m. at M.L. Leddy’s, 222 S. Oakes.

The event will be a come-and-go affair, featuring refreshments, stories, and "heartfelt blessings" as colleagues, friends, and customers gather and "encourage him to retire with strength and joy."

"Let's gather together to share memories, express our gratitude, and send Sammy off with all the best wishes for his future," information stated. 

Farmer started his career with the company in high school and continued through college. 

We ran a story about the business in 2020 where Farmer shares the story about the world-famous boot factory. You can watch it below: 

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