SAN ANGELO, TX – The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce held their monthly luncheon Tuesday Feb. 13 at the Bentwood Country Club.
The main topic was an update on energy in Texas and the nation.
The speaker was Todd Staples, President of the Texas Oil & Gas Association.
The luncheon was opened up by the 2018 President of the Chamber of Commerce Board, C.J. Muniz, who introduced major sponsors of the luncheon Angelo MRI, TXU Energy, Atmos Energy, Jackson Walker and Bentwood Country Club. Then, new businesses Pitts Oilfield Products and Services and Cake Creations by Edwina, who joined the Chamber this month, were introduced.
State Representative and San Angelo local Drew Darby introduced Todd Staples and expressed his lament that Staples was no longer the Texas Commissioner of Agriculture which he served as for two terms but did not seek re-election for in 2014 as he entered his name in for the running as the Republic Nomination for Lieutenant Governor.
Staples described the rich legacy of Texas and the importance of our area especially in the energy health of the nation.
Staples told an anecdote of meeting a homeless man. He asked him, "If I give you money are you going to spend it to go drinking?" The homeless man replied, "No I don't drink anymore." "Are you going to use the money to go fishing?" "No, I don't fish," he replied. "Will you use it to go hunting," he asked the homeless man. "I don't have anyway to use what I hunt so I gave it up too." The man said," I am going to take you home and let my wife cook you a home cooked meal instead of giving you money." The homeless man asked, "Won't that make your wife mad?" And the man replied, "Yes. But now she will know what a man looks like who has stopped drinking, fishing and hunting." The crowd roared, and, as the laughter died down, Staples said, "It's all about how you tell a story."
He went on to describe the health of the energy industry and his work. "Texas is the global leader in energy production. Forty percent of the nation's oil production is from Texas. And energy security equals national security."
More facts he shared:
- Over a billion barrels of oil and gas were produced last year.
- Texas produces around 5 million barrels daily.
- Texas has a third of the nation's refining capacity.
Staples spoke about recently going to Beaumont, during a World Series he lamented, but to proudly speak at a Chamber event for that town. He tried to check into his hotel, but they couldn't find his reservation. In the end they found his reservation was made for the wrong evening, the next, and he needed a place to stay because he spoke in the morning. So he went around the town trying to get a room at an inn. But, much like Mary and Joseph, he couldn't find a place that wasn't busy. When he finally did, it wasn't a manger, rather a hotel that had no sheetrock from four foot dow, because they were still recovering from the damage caused by hurricane Harvey.
Staples said, "They are still recovering. We need to plan ahead. But they are still producing which adds to our state and national security."
Staples concluded his speech with his three point thesis:
- Keep doing what you've done to be successful.
- Sit down, come together and have the conversation.
- Plan Ahead.
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