SAN ANGELO, TX--(SAPD) Just after 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 28, 2018, San Angelo Public Safety Communications received multiple calls about a man sitting on the ledge of the Oakes Street overpass in the 300 block of the East Houston Harte Expressway.
Upon arrival, responding Officers observed the man seated on the ledge of the overpass, rocking back and forth. The man was crying and visibly shaken.
In a coordinated effort, Sergeant Ali Shah engaged the distraught man from below the overpass while Patrol Officers Eddie Chavarria and Caleb Wasson positioned themselves in an attempt to grab the man, who appeared to be preparing to push himself off the ledge.
Soon after, Officer Wasson was able to distract the man, which allowed Officer Chavarria an opportunity to grab the man and be safely pulled off the ledge by both Officers.
Mental Health Deputies responded and subsequently transported the 23-year-old man to a nearby hospital for evaluation and treatment.
Traffic was temporarily diverted in the area during the incident.
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