SAN ANGELO, TX -- "The National Day of Racial Healing," hosted by the San Angelo Ministerial Alliance, was organized and facilitated by Sherely Spears with the intention of understanding what happens at the root of racism, and what it takes to bring about healing.
This first session, The Changing face of the African America Community” focused on healing within the family, using Scripture as guidance: Matthew 7:5:” … first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.”
The event was well attended and Spears had a statement about the focus of the gathering.
“Our objective was to identify what people see as the cause of racism here in the city and to give them an opportunity to review situations and lifestyles from the past.”
The African-American family looks totally different than it did 50 years ago, yet there are still issues that are systematic factors that cause hardships on African American families.
It was great to see leaders from within the city and have a diverse group of participants both ethnically and by age.”
We are looking forward to some future events where we can begin to discuss specific issues and then create solutions and move forward. “Our objective is to identify what people see as the cause of racism here in the city and to give them an opportunity to review situations and lifestyles from the past.”
Although the national event was built around one day of activity, a structured program with action plans, goals and objectives will follow.
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