SAN ANGELO, TX – People break the law for many reasons; and the saying 'do the crime-serve the time” seems to be the appropriate response to deal with those who have acted against the laws of any given society. Yet, those who have never been to jail do not realize that for most of these offenders, incarceration represents 'rock bottom' while for a few of them, it might be the one thing that could save their life.
Many who have never been to prison think of the stereotypical prisoner as someone who leeches on the taxpayer, laying around, eating and sleeping while producing nothing for the common good. The general consensus thinks that prison is supposed to 'reform' the person who has broken the law. The truth is it is the prisoner who has to decide to change their ways and there certainly are those who have decided to turn a page and change their lives for the better. Prisoners whose sentences are long enough to qualify are afforded the opportunity to earn a G.E.D. or be placed in some kind of work program, in an effort to enable them to do better once they are released from prison.
Most offenders have similar backgrounds with little or no structure, discipline, support, and/or inspiration in their lives. These individuals desperately need rehabilitation and counseling to help prevent recidivism, as 85% of all felons tend to recommit a crime.
In San Angelo, inmates who are struggling with faith, hope, and guidance, often seen as the foundation to finding the right path, are helped by an extraordinary group of dedicated volunteers.

Chaplain Dennis of the local 'Through GOD Comes Justice Ministries Inc.,' said "our ministry is made up of over 100 volunteers from 45 churches in the area and of all denominations. Our staff consists of one office manager, a female Chaplain and a male Chaplain. For the last 20 years, our mission has been to bring faith, hope, and love to those in their darkest hour of need."

"We have been very blessed over the years to have a number of private donors to keep our non-profit organization going, but when the economy slows down, so does the funding." He explained that the private donations were used to purchase bibles and bible study material for any inmate willing to participate in the program. They offer 50 hours of bible study each week, serving inmates in Tom Green County, “but even if an inmate is transferred to another area or state, for example to a long term prison" they will stay in touch with this prisoner by mail. He also noted that "at this time, the jail is 51 inmates over capacity" so they are in need of more funding to accommodate all those prisoners who are in need.
Besides visiting with inmates and providing bible study programs for them, they are also able to baptize prisoners who have found their way to God. "Years ago, former Sheriff Joe Hunt was responsible for having the current baptismal area approved and built for which we are very thankful," Chaplain Dennis added.
Chaplain Dennis said they have not held a fundraiser in a long time, but their recent one was “a huge success." The Tom Green County Jail Ministry fundraiser was held Thursday April 20, during lunch time, at the Sheriff’s Department parking lot, located at 222 W Harris Ave.. Barbecue Brisket was sold for $10 a plate, which included beans, potato salad, and a bottle of water. "We were very fortunate to have a couple of donors supply the brisket," Chaplain Dennis added. Over 700 advance tickets were sold and numerous others just showed up to support the cause while also getting some very good food
Through GOD Comes Justice Ministries appreciates the community support it has received over the last two decades. Without the help of the community, they could not continue their mission, which is 'Reaching the lost for Christ.'

If you were unable to attend the fundraiser, but would still like to make a donation please contact the office of the Through GOD Comes Justice Ministries at (325) 212-9577, or check out their website at, Facebook page, or email them at [email protected].
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