1st Annual Spring Luncheon and Silent Auction To Raise Funds For New Inpatient Detox Facility


SAN ANGELO, TX --  It can be frustrating when the support and help needed to overcome substance abuse or chemical dependency is hard to come by. For those searching for local help and solutions are often out of luck and must resort to out-of-town facilities. Although many local agencies try their best to accommodate as many people as possible, there is just not enough help to aid the overwhelming number of people in San Angelo who are addicted to toxic substances and are in desperate need of help. The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley, ADACCV, however,  is trying its best to change that this year. 

In 2015, LIVE! reported on the new inpatient detox facility that the ADACCV is planing on building this year, click here for the full story. The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley, ADACCV, commonly pronounced "A-Dack", provides treatment for indigent adults and private individuals suffering from addiction. Currently, ADACCV offers rehab and aftercare on an outpatient basis for those dealing with addiction, however, they lack a needed inpatient detox program. 

The ADACCV has been hosting fundraisers and working non-stop since last year in an effort to expedite the process of building and opening their newest care facility.  Today, Thursday, April 20, they will host another fundraiser, their 1st Annual Spring Luncheon and Silent Auction. 

Paulette Schell, Operations & Program Development Director for ADACCV, said, "proceeds from the event will benefit ADACCV's capital campaign to expand services." This expansion, 'The Journey Recovery Center,' Schell says, "consists of adding residential detox, consolidating treatment services to one location, and doubling the residential treatment programs for men, women and their children."

Today's luncheon will feature Cathey Brown, Founder and CEO of the nationally recognized non-profit organization 'Rainbow Days." Rainbow Days' mission is to help children and youth in adversity build coping skills and resilience to create positive futures.  Schell added, "in Brown's presentation 'Journey to Joy,' she will share her personal story of recovery and insights about how the paths we choose in life can have profound ramifications."

Additionally, there will also be an update on ADACCV's expansion project. Schell says that  ADACCV is over the $5.1 million dollar mark when it comes to their capital campaign, but still need help meeting their 6 million dollar goal. Schell advises that ADACCV will begin construction at the end of the summer/early fall and should be completed within 14 months.

Lunch will be catered by Kenny Blanek's Village Cafe and the event will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Sugg Room in the Stephens Central Library, located at 33 W Beauregard.

Regarding the silent auction, Shell added, "some of the items include: Dallas Cowboys tickets, tickets to the Cowboy Gathering in September, a Lenovo Think Pad, lots of beautiful jewelry and unique home goods."

 ADACCV is home to residential treatment programs, outpatient counseling, prevention services and a Drug Free Communities (DFC) coalition. "We encourage any person who is directly or indirectly suffering from the affects or problems associated with alcohol and drug abuse or addiction to contact our offices for a free and completely confidential assessment and assistance," said Schell.

Founded in 1960, the mission of the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley is to save lives and create healthier communities.

As of Wednesday, April 19, Shell announced the event was completely sold out but if you would like more information on the project, visit http://www.adaccv.org, or www.facebook.com/adaccv. To get involved, please contact Paulette Schell at (325) 224-3481 or [email protected]. For more information on Rainbow Days, please click here


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