Most Common Crimes in San Angelo During Christmas Time


SAN ANGELO, TX- During the Christmas season, people spend lots of money buying many gifts for loved ones. However, during this time of holiday cheer, some individuals work hard at being the Grinches who stole Christmas in San Angelo.

This is the time the Grinches are in full swing, set to destroy Christmas and the cheer it brings through the common crimes of theft of burglary.

Vehicle burglary is on the top of the list for common crimes during the season, but that's the reality any time of the year.

San Angelo Police Public Information Officer Tracy Gonzalez said, “Vehicle burglary is a crime of opportunity. So, we all need to work together as a community to reduce the opportunity of thieves. Vehicle burglary is among the top of the list for crimes and the majority of them are from unlocked cars.”

Gonzalez provided tips on how to avoid being chosen as a crime of opportunity. She said it's smart to

  • remove property from vehicles and lock all or your doors;
  • If you’re holiday shopping and leave valuable items in your car while out and about, place items out of sight before reaching your destination or move them inconspicuously. Someone may be watching when you put items under/behind a seat or throw something over them.

Since Gonzalez explained that vehicle burglary is a crime of opportunity, thieves are “on the lookout for ‘trunk-stuffing,’ and can break into your car the minute you’re out of sight.”

Gonzalez stressed that the most important thing is to “avoid leaving packages or shopping bags visible in your car.”

Among vehicle burglaries, home burglaries are also very common. Now that the weather is cooling down in San Angelo, it's easy to leave windows open to let fresh air in. It is important that people remember to close and lock up windows before leaving their homes.

Gonzalez suggested, “Be extra cautious and do a safety check to make sure windows are locked before leaving your house or going to bed. If you’re going out for the evening, turn on lights, a radio or TV so it looks like someone’s home.”

If anyone is choosing to leave town for the holidays, “try setting multiple timers for different lighting ‘zones’ inside your home. The lights will go off at varied times--appearing as if someone’s home,” Gonzalez said.

She added, “People should also make arrangements to have a friend or neighbor pick up newspapers and mail while you’re away. Newspapers collecting on the front lawn are a tell-tale sign you’ve been away.”

What may not be widely known to the public is that, “Folks can also have the Department check on their homes while they’re away by setting up a ‘House Watch’ through the PD,” Gonzalez said.

For more information about setting up a “House Watch”, click here.

SAPD also advised that people not display their Christmas trees in front of the window of their homes. Gonzalez explained that if a Christmas tree is displayed in plain view, “the bad guys could be window shopping.” She also added that people should not “display gifts where they can be seen from the outside.”

After receiving big-ticket items, Gonzalez advised that San Angeloans dispose of their boxes properly.

“Thieves typically drive around right before trash day to see what boxes are outside for pickup," she continued. "Don’t make your home the target. Break down boxes and wait to take the recycle can out until just prior to collection.”

Aside from theft, burglary and snooping, family violence tends to be on the rise during the holidays as well. Gonzalez explained, “Emotions can be high with families, money issues for gifts, ect. Combined with alcohol, [that] leads to family violence.”

In combination with alcohol and heightened emotions, DWI’s also top the list for the most common crimes during Christmas time. Finding a designated driver will help keep people from hurting themselves or others during the holiday season.

For more tips to avoid being the victim of a holiday crime, click here.

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