SAN ANGELO, TX - Tuesday, September 20, several local agencies that serve children will be receiving funds to assist them in their efforts by the local Kiwanis Club.
Jason Henry, chairman of the Funds Distribution Committee of the San Angelo Kiwanis Club, said, "We work all year long doing different fundraisers and community service projects to raise money that will benefit local nonprofit organizations."
Henry added that tomorrow is the day the Kiwanis Club gives out all the grants from the money members raised throughout the year.
"We have 12 agencies that are going to be receiving grants ranging from Healthy Families to West Texas Boys Ranch and Concho Valley Ambucs," said Henry. CVA provides therapeutic tricycles for people who are unable to ride a traditional bike.
Henry added, "Several other organizations will be there as well. In total, we're going to give out about $17,000 in grants."

Regarding the Kiwanis Club, Henry said, "This is our 95th year that the San Angelo club has been around; we claim that we're the oldest and longest standing service organization in town."
Some of the many fundraisers the chairman listed include "hosting Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army, all out-of-town teams that come in for the the play-off games, and a golf tournament.
"Although that's where we raise a good portion of our funds from, we also sell Geraniums, which is one of our bigger fundraisers," Henry explained. "Our main objective/motto is serving children: one child and community at a time."

For the grant awards to be given tomorrow, Henry said the deadline was in August.
"There is a request form that people submit to us and a whole 'grant process' with a grant distribution committee who goes over it. We'll then distribute the money to what we feel is in the direction our club is headed. We don't require the recipients to be 501(c)3 certified, but most are non-profit. We do this once a year and encourage everyone to apply, and applicants can apply more than once."
As for the distribution of the grants, Henry noted that the event will take place at the Rio Concho Manor downtown. It starts at 11:30 a.m., and the event is open to the public.
"Anybody who wants to help out the children in the Concho Valley is invited," Henry said. "And if anyone is interested in joining the Kiwanis Club, we'd love to have new members. The luncheon will start off about noon, and it will last about an hour. Anyone who wants to come visit us, we'll buy them lunch."
Kiwanis is an organization of men, women and youth who are "dedicated to serving the children of the world and improving quality of life worldwide."
For more information, go to, and be sure and check out the group's Facebook page.
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