Quail Valley Volunteer Fire Department Receives Grant


The Texas A&M Forest Service Rural VFD Assistance grant helped Quail Valley Volunteer Fire Department purchase a new apparatus to strengthen their fleet, said a press release Tuesday. The new large brush truck replaces a 1970 converted military vehicle. The truck is equipped with a slip-on unit and foam system that will provide additional benefits when fighting wildland fires in the Quail Valley rural community.

The $200,000 grant paid for most of the cost truck. The San Angelo Health Foundation supplemented the A&M grant with an additional $45,000 to complete the purchase and equip the truck explained Shane Crimm, Quail Valley VFD President.

“This truck will be of great value when fighting wildland fires,”  Crimm said. “It is built to carry water and foam and has the ability to pump-and-roll, or it can shuttle water for other units.”

According to the press release, members of the department understand the importance of having a reliable vehicle.

“The 2011 Wildcat Fire burned 159,000 acres and threatened 400 homes,” Crimm said. “That type of fire makes you appreciate having a reliable vehicle with updated equipment. If it wasn’t for TFS we wouldn’t be able to have the equipment needed to respond to fires in our community and surrounding area.”

Volunteer firefighters operate 85 percent of the fire departments in Texas. This year TFS will pass approximately $24.3 million along to VFDs across the state. The grants aid them in purchasing equipment and obtaining vital firefighter training, giving them greater capabilities to protect life and property in their communities.


Correction: We added information about how the local San Angelo Health Foundation also contributed a grant to complete the purchase price and equip the truck.

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