Winter Weather Delays Flights


Well, it's that time again. Time to prepare for the end of the world. As lines back up at filling stations and meat and water fly off supermarket shelves, San Angelo prepares to hunker down for the onset of yet another winter storm. This, by the way, is anticipated to last three days, so make sure your canned food stores are up as well as a last resort. 

But inclement weather isn't just affecting Walmart shoppers; some American Airlines flights have been cancelled as well, grounding passengers headed to Dallas and Dallas passengers headed here. 

Below is a list of flights that have been cancelled Thursday and Friday. If you're supposed to be heading out of town, check the American Airlines website for updates.


Thursday Dec 5th - Flight No. 3548 6:15 p.m. departure is cancelled
Friday Dec 6th - Flight No. 3334 6:20 a.m. departure is cancelled

Thursday Dec 5th - Flight No. 3251 9:35 p.m. arrival is cancelled
Friday Dec 6th - Flight No. 3783 10:20 a.m. arrival is cancelled

Please contact American Airlines for current updates or cancellations at 800-433-7300or visit


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