Celebrities Sell Cookies and Cakes


Did you know that the Los Lonely Boys could make cupcakes? Or that ASU coaches make great pecan pies? These and many other San Angelo celebrities got their baking on in order to raise money for the United Way of the Concho Valley.

Starting at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, pumpkin pies, pecan pies, cookies, cakes and an assortment of other goodies made by local celebrities were available for purchase at the Foster Communications parking lot at 2824 Sherwood Way.

This is the first of many annual celebrity bake sales according to Alma Velez, who coordinated the inaugural bake sale.

“It involves the whole community,” said Velez with a smile.

Velez mentioned there was a steady stream of people coming by to pick things up, but that they would stay out there until everything was sold. All proceeds made from the sale will go to the United Way of the Concho Valley.

“All the money stays local,” said Patti Breitreiter, President of the United Way, “it stays here to fund 18 local programs.”

The pumpkin pies went first, followed shortly by the pecan pies made by the ASU coaches, who were in a competition to see who’s sold first.

No word yet on who won that.

Foster Communications plans on selling all day, so if you want something good, drop by and buy a pie.

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