Blaine's Pub Pulls Out the Pits


Every Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Blaine’s Pub pulls up barbeque pits and starts cooking turkeys.

Starting at 6:30 a.m. the cooks showed up to get the smokers and fryers going so they could raise money for the Tom Green County 4H Club.

“We buy a number of birds and take donations for them,” said Aaron O’Donnell, General Manager of Blaine’s Pub. “It’s been one of the biggest years so far.” So big that they had to pull out five pits instead of the usual two to three.

Blaine’s has over one hundred items on the pits today, but if you bring them a turkey they will cook it for a $15 donation to the 4H club.

“We’re hoping to put out 150 to 200 next year,” said O’Donnell.

Blaine’s, Glazers Wholesale, and B&B Outfitters donated turkeys this year. You can take one of the birds home with you for a donation of $30.

To reserve your turkey or to find out more call (325) 653-7074.

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