San Angelo to Experience Cold, Ice Saturday Night


Steve Mild, the Emergency Management Coordinator for Tom Green County warns San Angeloans to stay home Saturday night as temperatures drop and freezing rain takes hold. "Hazardous driving conditions will continue to deteriorate through tonight," Mild says.  "Roads and overpasses will begin to refreeze as the temperatures drop. Greatest accumulations of new ice should occur after midnight with accumulations possible of up to a half-inch."

The Tom Green County Emergency Management office further notes that most roads of overpasses will freeze. Weather forecasters are predicting accumumations of up to 1/2 inch of ice or snow.

With the dangerous road conditions, county and city officeials are concerned about the dropping temperature. The wind chill will drop the temperature into the 20s through Sunday

The homeless in the area can find refuge at the Salvation Army at 215 Gillis. Officials are asking citizens to direct or help homeless get to the shelters by requesting police assistance. Call the police at (325) 657-4246 or use 911. The Salvation Army Shelter will be open continuously through Monday at 6 p.m.

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