The ping-pong match of budget remand has finally come to an end for now. City Council heard the City of San Angelo Development Corporation’s (COSADC) final budget decisions and approval of the decision was up for a vote.
The request for the budget hearing this time was councilwoman Farmer’s request, who was absent at the last Council meeting on Nov. 5, and wanted to know what COSADC’s reasoning was.
“They went ahead and approved them [budget items] anyway and took note of Council’s direction, but didn’t follow it,” said Farmer.
Robert Schneeman, Interim Economic Development Coordinator, presented the decision of COSADC to Council.
The first question asked dealt with the “20 Under 40” program that the Development Corporation sponsors with the San Angelo Standard Times.
“I don’t see a direct connection with economic development—possibly this is something the city should do and support; COSADC is for economic development” said Farmer.
On behalf of COSADC Schneeman answered, “We get a great deal of ad exposure for that program. In return, the San Angelo Standard Times will make a contribution to the Young Professionals of San Angelo Organization. The only way we can do this is through advertising.”
When asked why the money spent with the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown association were not enough for COSADC, Schneeman added, “There is marketing where we are marketing the city to attract companies; this is advertising that is specifically advertising the Development Corporation and its program. There’s the distinction.”
Discussion was allowed to move on to the Texas Midwest Community Network and Highground of Texas Memberships.
Schneeman explained that COSADC is giving the memberships one more year to show a return on investment, and either way that goes, COSADC will have an answer for City Council as to why they need to keep it, or they will get rid of it themselves.
After the motion was made to approve the budget decision, Schneeman told council “I think the board will welcome anything the Council has to say.”
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