Mr. Wright Found, Actually Ms. Reed


The owner of a lost SanDisk Micro SD card has been located after police posted a request to Facebook yesterday in hopes of locating the owner.

Within minutes of reading the Facebook post, San Angelo resident Athena Jaso, a frequent viewer of the department’s Facebook Page, called police to tell them she recognized one of the women pictured in the photograph.   

Jaso gave a first name and place of employment for the woman, who police tracked down yesterday afternoon.  After verifying the ownership, police returned the card to Melody Reed of San Angelo.

During an interview conducted today with KLST News Anchor Michelle Kingston, Reed said she believed she lost the SD Card in the parking lot of the Museum of Fine Arts in early September.  The card contained all the photographs of a recent family reunion, in which Reed stated some of the family members at the event had not seen each other for 25 years.  The San Angelo Police Officer who found the card in the museum parking lot, and initiated the search, met Reed for the first time today during the interview.      

The San Angelo Police Department would like to thank the public for engaging us through our various social media outlets.  Time after time, the sites have proven to be invaluable when soliciting information about crime related or community incidents.  Regardless of the nature or severity of the content shared within the sites, they enable a necessary dialogue between police and the citizens we serve. 

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