SAPD Seeks Help Identifying This Grizzly Man in Connection to Theft


He may look like he just innocently strolled off the Bass Pro Shop show, but the man in the images is actually wanted for his involvement in a theft of West Texas Game Feeders (3312 N. Chadbourne) back in October.

Now, the SAPD needs your help in identifying the grizzly man and bringing him to justice. 

The suspect is an older white male who wears glasses and has a graying goatee. On the day of the theft, he was driving a red 4-door Dodge truck.

Anyone with information about this suspect is asked to contact Detective Lynn Dye at 325-657-4264 or 325-657-4315

To remain anonymous call the SAPD's 24 hour Tip Hotline 1-855-TIPS-247.  You can also text your tips Text: TIP SAPD plus your message and send to 888777.  Submit web tips

Tipsters will remain anonymous.[[{"fid":"1200","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"SAPD need help identifying the man pictured in connection with a theft in October. (Photo courtesy of SAPD)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"SAPD need help identifying the man pictured in connection with a theft in October. (Photo courtesy of SAPD)"},"type":"media","attributes":{}}]]

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