A traffic accident involving an International semi-truck, a white Ford Mustang and a light pole at the 1100 block of Beauregard just past the Washington St. intersection resulted in two Central High School students being taken to Shannon Medical Center on Thursday afternoon.
At approximately 1:28 p.m., Officers responded to the scene where they found the Mustang crashed into the pole on the front end.
"A truck eastbound on the outside lane enters the inside lane to make a turn to deliver here, 1100 block," Traffic Division Supervisor Seargeant Korby Kennedy explains, "He turns his turn signal on, he starts his turn, and the Mustang trying to come in the outside lane to try and get around him didn't realize the truck was turning," Kennedy continues, "faulty evasive action, right into the pole."
How fast the Mustang was traveling at the time of impact is not currently known, however both the driver, 17-year-old Austin Bell, and his passenger Haley Love, also 17, were both wearing seatbelts when the crash occured.
Investigating Traffic Officer Jimmie Byrn stated that the truck was attempting to turn into an alleyway when the Mustang tried to pass.
"That truck needs to make a wide turn in order to turn, with that truck and long trailer," said Byrn, who is still investigating the case. There are conflicting stories as to whether or not the truck signaled. One statement claims he did not, others say that he did.
Word was not given on the severity of the injuries sustained by Bell or Love, however officers stated that the injuries were non life-threatening. The semi-truck came out unscathed.
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