“Let’s go, Chiefs!” carried through the stadium on a light breeze Friday night, as the Lake View Chiefs squared off against the Snyder Tigers at the game in San Angelo Stadium.
In the stands, blue and black shirts dotted rows of spirited attendees, many of whom wore long, flowing ribbons as accessories.
Friday night was homecoming, and as tradition dictates, mums and garters marked a rite of passage for many students. But as the announcer began to introduce Lake View’s 2013 Homecoming Court, all eyes were fixed on the field in excitement and anticipation.
From her space on the left side of the field in the line of the five female contenders, Hailey Cady stood smiling nervously, her red, ankle-length strapless dress dancing at her feet. All members of the Homecoming Court were being named individually and it would soon be time to crown the King and Queen.
Cipriano Aguilera stood on the other side among the young men, proudly sporting his Chief’s uniform and clearly anticipatory of the both his classmate’s election and of the game ahead.
‘Your 2013 Homecoming King and Queen is…,’ the announcer began, and as Aguilera and Cady heard their names over the loudspeaker, those nervous smiles overwhelmed.
“I was really excited, I was really nervous. I thought I was going to throw up,” Cady said with a laugh. Photos flashed from every direction as she continued, “I’m friends with pretty much everybody, I try not to be judgmental and I wasn’t trying to be fake just so I could win.”
Strong character traits and sincere friendships were responses echoed from many in the stands on Friday night, as students explained their choices for king and queen.
“He [Aguilera] can go to anyone and make their day,” said Lashayla Rider, a friend of Aguilera who cast a ballot in his favor. “I know he’s excited. He’s the type of boy, where when you’re feeling down he’ll bring you up. That’s just the kind of person he is,” she said.
And while the title is only received once in a lifetime, for Cady it’s a little bit different. “My brother actually won Homecoming King two years back,” she said. “I’m very glad that I get to kind of step into his shoes.”
Following graduation, Cady hopes to study to become a pediatric nurse or a registered nurse, and winning the Homecoming crown has inspired her to not only to strive for her goals, but to take them seriously.
“I feel like I need to be more responsible in school now,” Cady said. “I mean, it’s the last year and now I see that people do not necessarily look up to me, but consider me as someone to represent Lake View High School, and so I feel like I need to get more involved.”
Oh yeah, and one more quote from the Queen: “I love Lake View! Let’s go Chiefs!”
The night ended without a win for Lake View, losing to Snyder with a score of 42-35
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