Councilwoman Billie DeWitt Wants to Lower the Tax Rate, Part 2 of 5
SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo City Councilwoman Billie DeWitt represents Single Member District 6, or SMD 6, that includes Southland, The Bluffs, and portions of College Hills.
In the second of three videos, Ms. DeWitt talks about the ongoing $80 million, 10-year plan to rebuild many of San Angelo’s streets. She shares many of her observations from receiving constituent feedback on the quality of San Angelo’s streets as well.
She also explains the Avenue P project that was executed to relieve flooding in that neighborhood.
DeWitt ran on a three-point platform in her 2018 campaign. Her goals were attracting a second airline, have a thriving economy, and improve City infrastructure. DeWitt walks through those goals explaining where the City met or fell short of those goals.
DeWitt praises the work of the West Texas Water Partnership. She said the organization of Midland, San Angelo and Abilene to procure a third water source was game-changing, as valuable as the purchase of the Hickory ground water rights in the 1970s.
DeWitt is up for re-election for a second 4-year term on May 1. Early voting is ongoing April 19-23, 2021.
Watch the interview part 2 of 5 above.
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