SAN ANGELO, TX – For Democrats who have voted early, plan on voting on election day, or feel they can’t vote because they have no way to get to the polls, or, they feel their vote won’t count in the Republican State of Texas, the Tom Green County Democratic Club has a strong message.
Based on Texas values, Hillary Clinton has a chance to beat Donald Trump in the state and across the nation (despite what Joe Hyde wrote and published yesterday), but more work is necessary to make that a reality.
Tomorrow, at 2 p.m., members of the TGCDC plan on taking to the streets of San Angelo to knock on doors in areas prevalent with Democratic voters and encourage them to vote. They will also let them know they can provide transportation during early voting and on election day, Nov. 8.
This message came strong Thursday morning, shortly after 11 a.m., at a press conference held at the Democratic Headquarters, 12 E. Twohig. Texas for Hillary Chairman Garry Mauro was in San Angelo that day and is traveling across the state to encourage Democrats in Texas to vote, and to let them know that, for the first time in recent Texas history, a Democratic presidential nominee has a chance of winning this red state.
Why? Because demographics and Texas values are key to this election, said Mauro and David Currie, TGCDC Chairman.
Overall, Currie thanked the many volunteers locally who have helped run the phone banks to get the message out, but he said there is still more work to be done.
Why Hillary’s Win is Possible
Currie said on Thursday that the polls showed Clinton within three points of winning Texas. In cities across Texas, polling places are seeing record turnout, and four days into early voting, Harrison County witnessed over 300,000 new voters.
“But we want to do our share here,” said Currie.
Mauro, who Currie has known since the early 1980s, said, “I’m convinced one of the reasons we’re having record turnouts is, as more and more people pay attention to this race, as more and more Texans pay attention to both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, what they discover is, Donald Trump is out of step with most Texans. His values are not Texas values.”

Mauro said Texans are discovering that Clinton really is in step with the values Texans treasure so much.
He also referred to a poll published by the Texas Tribune early Thursday morning, and it said the race was 45 to 42, with Trump leading by only three points.
“Now that’s within the margin of error,” said Mauro. “The fact is, we’re in a dead heat, and if you look at the breakout of polls, we’re carrying millennials; we’re carrying women; we’re carrying African Americans; we’re carrying Hispanics, we’re carrying Anglos with college educations. There’s only one group he’s leading with, and that’s Anglos with a high school education. And my friends, there just aren’t enough of them to elect Donald Trump.”
Mauro added that the fact is, Texas is a minority-majority state, and by adding millennials and women to that group, Democrats will win this election.
Mauro joked that many of his friends have “Texas Democrat Syndrome” because Democrats haven’t won a race in so long, but, in this case, demographics work in the Democrats’ favor. This is going to be a very close race. He noted that he’s not trying to spin or convince people that Texas is going to turn blue, but based on the numbers mentioned, Trump can lose Texas demographically.
“Right now, if you look at his demographic reach, he only appeals to a minority of people who live in Texas, and only an even smaller minority of those who vote in Texas,” Mauro stated. “So I’m convinced, if we all really work at it, and get all our friends and neighbors out and go vote, this is the chance for Texas to go for Hillary Clinton. We don’t have any more chances like this.”
Mauro has a long history with Clinton, and told the history of how got to know her when he was in law school in 1972.
“She’s a personal friend of mine,” he said.
The Clintons also played a role in Mauro's strong ties to San Angelo, so it was only fitting that he was here Thursday on their behalf once more.
Based on what he knows about San Angelo, Mauro said Trump does not represent the city or its values. Nor does he represent Texas values.
He added that Hillary was First Lady of Arkansas and the U.S., a U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State. She’s also big on public service, which is essential to working for the people.
When it comes to Texas values, Mauro noted that family is a big one, and Clinton’s economic views put her in line with Texans.
“She’s running for president for all the right reasons,” said Mauro. “Her opponent is running for president for all the wrong reasons.”
He noted that people need to look at the big picture, and ask themselves: whose values represent your values? Who do you want to be a role model for your kids?
Mauro said if people look closer and answer those questions, the choice is clear.
He also pointed out that members of the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board, who havn’t endorsed a Democrat since World War II, said Clinton represents Texas values. She passed 89 bills co-sponsored by Republicans, and knows how to work across the aisle; she can find common ground with Republicans, which can end gridlocks.
“I’m telling you my friends, all those newspapers have endorsed her, and they’re usually Republican,” Mauro stated.
The Chair said he’s traveling around the state, and he’s feeling the movement. People are excited to vote for Hillary. Although some say people are only voting for her because she’s the lesser of two evils, Mauro said that’s not what he’s seeing or hearing in his travels.
He said by voting or Hillary, people are sending a message to their sons that show women should be respected beyond “locker room talk,” and it sends a message to daughters that women can hold the highest office in the U.S.
How Millennials Can Play a Role
On Thursday, Currie also took the time to announce that, next year, the TGCDC will have a new, younger President take over.
“It’s the next generation,” said Currie.
He added that this new chair hasn’t been elected yet, but “he’s fixin’ to be.”
The Democratic Club members believe Travis Taylor, who is approximately 30 years of age, is important to lead the next generation of Democratic voters.
“Democrats have always been the party of diversity,” said Taylor. “But around here, in San Angelo, we’re lacking one little component, and that’s age. We’ve gotten a little wiser experience, [but] we need some youth. I’m going to try to help you out with that.”
Taylor referred back to the primaries and reiterated how it was “a bloodbath,” and things got a little messy. He also wanted everyone to know that, like many millennials, he was a Bernie Sanders supporter.
But today, he said he’s proud to be casting a vote for Hillary Clinton.
“For the young folks out there still undecided, haven’t made up their mind, or are thinking otherwise, Hillary Clinton is clearly the best candidate,” Taylor said. “Bernie said so, and about 80 to 90 percent of the things Bernie was pushing for have made their way into the DNC’s national platform. We plan on holding [Hillary] accountable in making those things happen.”

Taylor also said young people today have had a tough road ahead. They know what’s happening with student debt; they know about the higher cost of living; and all those things are addressed in Hillary’s platform.
“Particularly, here in San Angelo, programs that help lower-income families, middle-class families, Donald Trump isn’t going to help them one bit,” he continued. “We all know that. We know trickle-down economics is bunk, and Hillary’s platform, as far as taxes and the economy, is definitely going to help the middle class.”
Taylor said it’s important for millennials to let their voice be heard, and for those who felt Bernie Sanders didn’t get a fair shake, it’s because they weren’t doing their part engaging in the democratic process during the primaries.
The silver lining for Bernie, Taylor added, is he got everyone involved in the right way, and that has to continue. In San Angelo, there’s a university and junior college, and demographically, there are a lot of Democrats.
Taylor also said Sanders affected so many millennials because of the genuine factor he provided. This is not always seen in politicians, who are normally refined and used to speaking in front of cameras and large audiences.
Additionally, millennials are not afraid of the term “socialist.” Democratic socialism is not the same thing as what Stalin was, said Taylor.
“People called FDR a socialist,” he laughed.
Undoubtedly, Taylor said people underestimate millennials. However, they’re well-versed in economics, more so than some of the previous generations. Also, they believe drastic measures are needed in regards to climate change because they have to deal with these things in their future.
“On the Republican side, they’re in denial,” Taylor concluded. “They’re in denial of trickle-down economics. We know statistically it’s a failure, and they’re in denial.”
Unfortunately, Taylor said voter turnout is not reflective of San Angelo's population, which he hopes to help change in the future.
He said, “I think, in the future, we need to be more involved across the board. We need to be involved in all the local races; we need to be involved when we run someone against Ted Cruz; we need to be involved when the primary season comes up.”
How to Make Hillary’s Win a Reality
Monet Molinar, who has been a part of the TGCDC for “a long time,” said she would like to see people get out to the polls. Also, until election time, Democrats who want to see Hillary in office should join the Democratic Club to block walk tomorrow.
For people who want to join in the block walk, Currie said they just have to show up at 2 p.m. at the TGCDC headquarters (12 E. Twohig), and instructions will be provided. They plan on hitting the areas with a strong Democratic presence to encourage people to get out and vote, and to offer transportation services during early voting and on election day.
All in all, Currie said the people in Tom Green need to realize the effects Trump will have on the U.S. if he wins.
“Donald Trump has run such a racist campaign,” he said. “This community is not racist. I just don’t know how this community would hold its nose. I don’t know of a single person here who is enthusiastically voting for Donald Trump.”
Currie noted the only reason many Texans are voting for Trump is because they hate Hillary, but this is not the way to go.
“This community, as a whole, we work together; and I don’t think Trump’s approach, the things he says about Hispanics and women, reflect who this community is,” he said.
Even if it means voting Democratic, people need to consider decency and competency, added Currie.
Note: Travis Taylor will be the next President of the Tom Green County Democratic Club. David Currie will remain the Chair. Currie said the Chair is an elected position, and the President is a volunteer position.
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Based on Texas values, Hillary should be hung from the nearest tree! She's worse than a cattle rustler!
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PermalinkI doubt you have any values with that kind of rant. Are you in line to get abused by the Groper in Chief Donald Trump?
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PermalinkStill no proof of any wrong doing , how nice for the FBI to wait this long to raise a ruckus . Do yo fly the russian flag in your front yard , because that's where all this juicy gossip is coming from . That is how they handle political opponents in Russia , idsyler . After Hillary wins the election , you can move to the great ussr , thats if they will take you . People like you and trump were called traitors , just a few years ago .
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PermalinkShe takes big speaking fees from banks she tells us she is against. She tries to disarm us with "reasonable" gun control laws that do nothing, just ask anyone in gun free Chicago. She lies that the Clinton Foundation spends 90% of donations when it's proven it's less than 10%. Bills a predator yet she covers it up. Benghazi was on her head. She wants a 550% percent increase in Muslim's we can't vet. She wants to expand Obama care.
Yeah, umm, no.
I pick the big orange ranting guy that at least acknowledges that jobs, not higher taxes fix the problems. Although at this point who captains the Titanic might be moot.
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PermalinkNo , no one wants your stinking single shot 22 , when you make false statements like that you make your self sound , like that psycho Trump . If you are a convicted felon , a mentally ill person , or a terrorist , foreign or domestic , then you should not be able to legally posses weapons . Trump's tax plan is simple , take from the poor and middle class , and give to the rich . He has stated this over and over , what part of this do you not understand . I guess Bush is to blame for 911 , that's how you see it , isn't it ? We don't care if you vote for Trump , that' your business , just quit telling lies .
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PermalinkMore to come November 1st according to ANONYMOUS whose behind the hacking dumps. Not the Russians BTW. Looks like the Clinton's are moving money to Qatar in preparation for taking it on the lamb!
Oh boy, the liberal kool-aid must be tasting like vinegar nowadays!
Greatest election EVER! :)
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PermalinkLies Lies and more Lies . These are desperate times for the Trumps , they will try anything to win . Hillary represents a clear threat to the right wingers , she may be bad , but Trump is definitely the worst .
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PermalinkAnd then you woke up!
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PermalinkYes i was having a nightmare - it was terrible , trump had won the election , swastika flags were everywhere , innocent people who had opposed trump , were being rounded up and shot , the gas chambers were working again , millions were being gassed , fear was the order of the day . Meanwhile at the new white house , a new trump hotel , the world's dictators were having lavish parties , while the rest of the people were starving . Pictures of ivanka were on bill boards every where , they proclaimed , this is your new queen . Anyone who dared not to bow , as they walked by , was shot on the spot . Thousands were working on the new chain gangs , men women and children . The one meal that was given at noon , was old stale moldy bread . The masters loved to watch the people fight for the few meager pieces of bread . they fought like wild animals . Every day at three the speakers would blare out the daily speech from the furor , work i found you all jobs , work ! work ! You wanted work , I your master have brought you prosperity , work work ! Thousands were dying , from the filth and squalor . All of the old had been rounded up and killed . The furor had decided that the old and the disabled were not needed in the new America . No hope for any one ! thank goodness I woke up . How wonderful this country is , the way it is now , America is great now ! I will work hard to make sure that trump is defeated ! Especially here in Texas !
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PermalinkLet is know how that works out for ya!
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