Abilene Could Break Heat Record Today


SAN ANGELO, TX — Abilene could break its heat record today as temperatures are forecasted to reach and maybe surpass the current record of 97 degrees. 

The National Weather Service has released information suggesting continued above-normal temperatures across West Texas, including San Angelo.

San Angelo is expected to see highs near 95 degrees today, with gusty south winds of 5 to 10 mph, reaching up to 20 mph at times. The city’s record high for this date stands at 102 degrees, set in 2016, though today’s forecast is expected to remain below that mark.

Tonight’s low will dip to around 73 degrees, providing little relief from the heat. Winds will remain light, continuing from the southeast.

Clear skies will dominate the forecast for the remainder of the week, with temperatures rising to 97 degrees by Thursday and a heat index as high as 100 degrees.

Friday will bring another hot day, with highs reaching 96 degrees. Nighttime temperatures will again fall into the low 70s.

The NWS advises that above-normal temperatures will persist through the weekend, with potential relief early next week as cooler conditions are forecasted to arrive.

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