5-Year-Old Attacked by Mountain Lion During Labor Day Family Outing


LOS ANGELES, CA - A 5-year-old boy was attacked by a mountain lion during a family picnic at Malibu Creek State Park, about 30 miles northwest of Los Angeles, on Sunday afternoon.

It happened just after 4:20 p.m. local time, leaving the child with “significant but non-life-threatening injuries,” according to a statement from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

The boy was playing near the picnic area with other children when the mountain lion suddenly appeared and attempted to drag him into the woods, officials said. Family members intervened, charging at the lion, which released the boy. The child sustained bite and scratch wounds and was airlifted to a hospital where he was treated and later released.

Witnesses at the scene reported seeing the mountain lion climb into a nearby tree after the attack. When state park rangers and Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies arrived, the animal was still in the tree. Officials from the Department of Fish and Wildlife deemed the mountain lion a threat to public safety and euthanized it.

Wildlife officers collected evidence samples from the boy’s injuries and clothing, confirming a DNA match with the mountain lion. Authorities noted that such attacks are rare, with fewer than 50 reported incidents involving humans in California since 1890, six of which were fatal.

The family involved, from Woodland Hills, California, was enjoying a Labor Day weekend outing when the incident occurred.

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