Record-Breaking Heat in Abilene and San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX — Yesterday, Abilene and San Angelo experienced record-breaking temperatures, with Abilene hitting 106 degrees Fahrenheit, surpassing the previous record of 101 degrees set in 2013. 

The National Weather Service reported that San Angelo reached a scorching 111 degrees, breaking the old record of 107 degrees set in 1916.

San Angelo’s temperature of 111 degrees ties for the fifth hottest recorded temperature in the city, all of which have occurred since June 19th of last year, according to the NWS. 

The four hotter temperatures, including two instances of 114 degrees and two of 112 degrees, were set during the same period, along with another 111-degree day.

At 3:12 p.m. yesterday, the city hit 111 degrees, the NWS stated that San Angelo was one of the hottest places in the United States. 

Following the intense heat of yesterday, today's temperatures are expected to be slightly “cooler,” ranging from the 90s to the low 100s. 

A weak cold front moving through the area is anticipated to provide some relief. 

Additionally, isolated strong to marginally severe storms may form near the I-10 corridor late this afternoon and evening, according to the NWS. 

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