SAN ANGELO – Triple digit heat is forecast daily for the Concho Valley and surrounding area through the end of July.
Experts with the National Weather Service in San Angelo have extended that Excessive Heat Warning through Monday evening at 9 p.m.
While the area saw some more severe thunderstorms Saturday night, they did little to assuage the relentless heat.
Temperatures are forecast to reach between 105 and 113 across the Concho Valley, Edwards Plateau and the Northwest Hill Country. Heat illnesses are likely with temperatures this high.
Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke; anyone experiencing heat stroke should be moved to an air-conditioned room.
To prevent heat related illness, drink plenty of fluids and avoid the sun. Everyone working or participating in outdoor activities should take frequent breaks in the shade or schedule strenuous activities to the early morning or late evening hours.
Check on vulnerable friends and neighbors. And never, ever leave a child or a pet in a locked car in West Texas.
Make sure all outdoor pets and children, including grown adult children, have plenty of fresh water, shade and food. If possible, bring your children and pets indoors with you.
Forecast high temperatures all week will exceed 100 degrees and reach the 110 range most days. Expect that Excessive Heat Warning to be extended daily as long as the extremely hot and dry weather continues.
There is a slight chance for showers again Sunday night, but those storms will be isolated and short lived.
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