UPDATE: Three Dead in Aftermath of Perryton Tornado


PERRYTON— A massive tornado ripped through the panhandle town of Perryton Thursday night that killed at least three people.

Reports earlier today say two people were killed and 56 were injured in a monster tornado that hit Perryton. Now, that number has been increase to three killed and about 70 injured. The three people killed have been identified as Becky Randall, Cindy Bransgrove, both in their 60's, and 11-year-old Matthew Ramirez.

According to Ochiltree County Sheriff Terry L. Bouchard, said many houses, business, and building have sustained serious damage and has asked the community to stay home while emergency services are sent to help. Also, a curfew has been enacted from 12:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m.

Governor Greg Abbot has directed the Texas Department of Emergency Management to Perryton.

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