WATCH: Laughlin AFB Official Explains San Angelo Flyover Timing


DEL RIO, TX – Laughlin Air Force Base officials Thursday explained why the planned San Angelo flyover honoring health professionals was early.

Many local residents went outside at 4 p.m. Thursday anticipating seeing the Air Force jets fly over the city and they saw nothing.

That's because the flyover was half an hour early.

Here is the official explanation from Laughlin:

The flyover actually took place early. 

Here is San Angelo Live! exclusive video of the flyover:

We will have additional information on this story later.

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I figured they were trying out some new stealth technology on some old planes....boy, did it work. I never saw or heard any of them! Great job!

So, this was meant to honor first responders in harms way and they completely dissed everyone of them due to lame safety info - What a disgrace!!

Some of us missed it? No everyone missed it what a waste of time, why not cancel and reschedule?

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