Looming Threat of Russian Invasion Shuts Down U.S. Embassy in Ukraine


KYIV, UKRAINE – The State Department is expecting the Russian Military to invade Ukraine by Wednesday.

According to the U.S. State Department, on Feb. 14, the United States Embassy was shut down ahead of the Russian Invasion into Ukraine.

Politicians from across the nation are concerned on how the Biden administration and the U.S. state department is handling the invasion.

Many are concerned of U.S. citizens who may get left behind in the Ukraine.

President Biden is expected to meet with UK's Prime Minister Boris Johnson later today.

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CGM5, Mon, 02/14/2022 - 16:51

(Many are concerned of U.S. citizens who may get left behind in the Ukraine.)

Now, why would anyone think President joe biden would leave anyone behind? Smirk! - eyes rolling

All of this is happening because Ukraine was a central hub for the election fraud that took place in the 2020 election. They're looking for the opportunity to destroy the evidence. That's one reason on one side of the chess board. The other is that Ukraine is a Jesuit stronghold and needs to be destroyed. That's coming from the players on the other side of the chess board. Everything is going according to plan. My hope is that Russia invades and takes over the Burisma offices and then publicly reveals all the evidence of Joe and Hunters dirty dealings.

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