Bond Set at $10 Million for Disturbed Woman who Slashed Her Children's Throats


MONTANA, TX –– A disturbed Texas woman is facing two counts of deliberate homicide after she allegedly murdered her two children with a steak knife.

According to court documents, last month 34-year-old Leannah J. Gardipe called her mother and told her she had "saved her babies." When Gardipe's mother asked if she had killed her children, she began to cry.

The disturbing conversation prompted Gardipe's mother to call 9-1-1. A few minutes later, Gardipe called 9-1-1 herself to "report a murder."

While talking to dispatchers, Gardipe stated the incident –– involving a knife –– occurred in her bedroom. She also stated she "was supposed to die today."

She then claimed she was waiting for EMS because one of her children was still making noises.

When deputies arrived at the home, Gardipe locked herself inside the home. 

Once deputies were inside the home, they found the two children, ages 3 and 5, laying on a bed with significant lacerations on their throats. The children also appeared to have defensive wounds on their hands. Both children were pronounced dead at the scene.

After searching the home, investigators found a bloody serrated steak knife under the bed and a pool of blood in one of the children's bedrooms.

After pleading not guilty two both counts, Gardipe's bail was set at $10 million.

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