Congressman Conaway's Committee Votes to Release Russia Investigation Report


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Thursday, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) voted to release the Russia Investigation report out of Committee, and to release its findings and recommendations publicly. The report will be released to the public pending the Intelligence Community (IC) classification review.

Congressman Mike Conaway (TX-11), who has led the probe since last April, released the following statement:

"Last January, we set out to investigate Russian active measures during the 2016 election. Today, we are one step closer to delivering answers to the questions the American people have been asking for over a year.

"The findings and recommendations that we are releasing today show a pattern of Russian active measures in the United States, both through cyberattacks and their use of social media to sow discord. This poses a serious threat to future U.S. elections, including the primary elections that are already underway. It's critical to release this information now, to protect our country and our elections from foreign interference.

"I'm incredibly grateful to the Members and staff who worked tirelessly on this investigation, and this report. It's now time for us to share what we've found, and move forward as one country, united against foreign aggression."

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