Top Baby Names of 2016


SAN ANGELO, TX – Now that 2016 is over, the ratings for the top baby names of 2016 are in. Here are the top 10 names for boys and girls this past year. Did your baby make the list?


  1. Sophia (Greek) – “Wisdom”
  2. Emma (German) – “Whole or Universal”
  3. Olivia (Greek) – “Olive tree”
  4. Ava (Latin) – “Bird”
  5. Mia (Latin) – “Mine”
  6. Isabella (Hebrew) – “Devoted to God”
  7. Riley (Irish) – “Wood clearing or Valiant”
  8. Aria (Italian) – “Air”
  9. Zoe (Greek) – “Life”
  10. Charlotte (French) – “Petite or Feminine”


  1. Jackson (Hebrew) – “Son of Jack”
  2. Aiden (Irish) – “Fiery”
  3. Lucas (Latin) – “Light-giving" or "Illumination
  4. Liam (Irish) – “Helmet of will”
  5. Noah (Hebrew) – "Rest or Comfort" 
  6. Ethan (Hebrew) – "Strong or Safe"
  7. Mason (Fench) – "Stone worker"
  8. Caden (Welsh) – “"Spirit of battle"
  9. Oliver (Latin) – “Olive tree"
  10. Elijah (Hebrew) – "Yahweh is God"

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