OPINION – The political climate in the United States has grown increasingly volatile, with the specter of violence casting a shadow over the upcoming election. The recent reports of two assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump—one in which he was injured—underline the frightening lengths to which certain radical factions are seemingly prepared to go. In particular, radical leftist groups appear willing to end Trump’s life as a means of preventing his potential return to the White House. This poses an alarming question: What happens to America if these extremists are successful?
The ramifications of a successful assassination attempt are terrifying to contemplate, not just for what it would mean politically, but for what it signals about the state of the nation. The first concern that arises is whether the election would be postponed or even canceled. Historically, the federal government has never postponed a national election, even during times of war. However, the unprecedented scenario of a high-profile assassination could throw the country into chaos, leading to a suspension of democratic norms as politicians and security officials scramble to maintain order.
There is no clear constitutional mechanism for handling the assassination of a presidential candidate so close to an election. If Trump were to be killed, would Vice President Kamala Harris win by default? Not necessarily. The election is a competition between multiple candidates, but the removal of Trump, a central figure in the race, would create an unprecedented void. His supporters would be enraged, and without a candidate to rally behind, the GOP would face a leadership crisis. Some might call for the postponement of the election to allow the Republican Party to nominate a new candidate, but this would throw the process into uncharted legal territory.
On the other side of the political spectrum, radical right-wing factions—galvanized by both the assassination and memories of the January 6 insurrection—might see violence as their only recourse. If Trump’s assassination were to occur, it could ignite a series of violent reactions that would make the January 6 episode look like a precursor to something far worse. Armed militias and extremist groups may view this as an attack on their movement and respond with insurrection or more widespread violence. This would be a chilling reflection of the kind of political instability we associate with third-world nations.
Take Venezuela as an example. In many unstable countries, power ultimately lies with whoever controls the military. Could the United States face a similar fate? The idea of military tanks rolling up Pennsylvania Avenue seems unthinkable for most Americans, but in the context of political chaos and potential violent uprisings, the prospect of martial law or military intervention becomes more conceivable. In such a scenario, the military could emerge as the ultimate arbiter of power, eroding the democratic fabric that has held the country together for centuries.
Perhaps most frightening are the global implications of such chaos. If Trump were assassinated and America fell into political disarray, the nation would be left vulnerable to external threats. Russia and China, both of whom have vested interests in weakening American influence on the global stage, could see an opportunity to exploit the instability. Whether through cyberattacks, military posturing, or economic pressure, a weakened and divided America would be an inviting target for adversaries who seek to expand their own power.
Assassination attempts on political figures are not new, but the potential impact of one on Donald Trump in today’s climate would have consequences far beyond the immediate loss of life. It would shatter any illusion that America is immune to the kinds of political violence that we often associate with less stable nations. Moreover, it would set a dangerous precedent—that violence can be used as a tool to remove political opponents, a road that leads to the collapse of civil society.
In such a polarized country, it is essential for leaders on both sides of the aisle to condemn political violence unequivocally. The assassination of any political figure, regardless of party affiliation, is an attack on the very core of American democracy. If the country fails to address the growing radicalism on both the left and the right, we risk plunging into an era where political disputes are settled not through ballots, but through bullets.
The stakes of the next election are high, and the risks of violence—on both sides—are real. America is at a crossroads. It must decide whether it will remain a beacon of democracy or devolve into the kind of political instability that has plagued countries like Venezuela. The assassination of a presidential candidate, and the chaos that would follow, could push the nation into a crisis from which it may never recover.
The United States must avoid this path at all costs. The future of democracy depends on it.
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Well... if that happens, then the "high school never ends" crowd will be present and accounted for on America's graduation day—the day that America begins to face the same reality faced by most of the rest of the world.
Any plans?
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Permalink"On November 22, 1963, the country suffered the loss of a person who, while flawed in some ways, nonetheless was an intelligent, decent person who loved his country and served it to the best of his ability. The country survived that loss.
A loss like that would not be suffered in this scenario. While such a thing might produce outrage and some violence from a certain cult, time and the response of thinking people would resolve that and the country return to sanity. We might in the process see MASA (Make America Sane Again) caps... and they would be blue."
Please understand: I do not wish Trump dead, but were he to become so I firmly believe the country, indeed the world, would be better off.
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PermalinkI read what you wrote to some of my Venezuelan friends, and they were so inspired that they decided to stop bending the rules and go back home to establish civic nationalism there. My Hatian friend has a cat she would like to offer you.
I've spread the message of your post around to many Americans impoverished by a worsening economy, and they have decided to overcome their differences and band together into a commune to focus on our real shared enemy: Russia, and their actions against the established global order!
As a collective offering of friendship and solidarity, we would all like to offer you a traditional ceremonial peace pipe filled to the brim with actual crack.
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PermalinkThe concept of America's "Fourth Turning" has come to the forefront, and I must say, it’s about time we start paying attention to what’s going on in this country. Peter Turchin’s theory, which builds on the work of Strauss and Howe, presents a cyclical pattern in history where societies go through periods of growth, consolidation, crisis, and eventually collapse or renewal. Look, this isn’t just some academic theory dreamed up by people in ivory towers. This is real, folks. We're in a critical phase now, where the old order is crumbling, and we need strong leadership, not the weak, floundering kind we've been seeing.
For too long, America has been stuck in this rut, led by a bunch of career politicians who don’t have the backbone to make the tough decisions. They are the kind of people who live off the system, don’t create anything, and just bicker in their air-conditioned offices. These are the same types of people who never ran a business, never built anything, and have no understanding of what it means to work hard, take risks, and create jobs. It’s no surprise that we're facing a crisis now. The cycle has come full circle, and it’s exposing the rot at the core of our institutions.
I’m not the only one who sees it, either. People are waking up. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. Our culture is collapsing. Look at what they’re doing to our kids in schools. They’re pushing these radical ideologies, trying to erase our history, and undermining the very foundations of what makes America great. We used to be proud to say we’re American. Now, they want you to apologize for it. Ridiculous! They want to replace our traditions with a culture of guilt and shame. But let me tell you something: this country was built by winners, by people who weren’t afraid to stand up for themselves, their families, and their way of life.
Turchin’s work on "secular cycles" shows that societies tend to go through these phases of disintegration. We’re living it right now. Our elites, they’ve lost touch. They no longer represent the people. They’re more interested in sending jobs overseas, creating wars we shouldn’t be involved in, and inflating their own pockets than they are in looking out for the hardworking men and women of this country. And it’s not just politics; it’s the culture. The entertainment industry, the media, academia—they’ve all been corrupted. They’re filled with elites who sneer at the very people who make this country run. These elites don’t understand the struggles of everyday Americans, and frankly, they don’t care.
Now, here’s the thing about Turchin’s theory that people need to understand: it’s not just about economics or politics. It’s about the underlying social dynamics. When you have a ruling class that becomes detached from the people, that’s when you start seeing revolts. That’s when you start seeing instability. People can only take so much. They can only be pushed around for so long before they start pushing back. And guess what? That’s happening now. You see it in the growing populist movements. You see it in the way people are rejecting the mainstream media. The American people aren’t stupid. They’re waking up to the lies, the manipulation, and the corruption. It’s a beautiful thing, frankly. You love to see it.
This "Fourth Turning" isn't just some abstract concept. It's a reality. We're seeing the old structures fall apart right in front of our eyes. The question is, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to let the elites continue running things into the ground, or are we going to take back control? I say we take back control. We need leaders who aren’t afraid to stand up to the establishment, leaders who actually have a track record of success. Look, I’ve been around long enough to know what works and what doesn’t. What works is putting America first. What works is strong borders, strong families, strong communities. What doesn’t work is shipping our jobs overseas, getting involved in pointless wars, and letting foreign interests dictate what we do.
The elites don’t want you to know about this, but they’re losing control. They’re scared, folks. They see that the people are waking up, and they’re scrambling to hold onto power. That’s why they’re ramping up the censorship. That’s why they’re doubling down on their failed policies. But it’s not going to work. The American people are smarter than that. We see through their games.
We’re in a turning point. And it’s not just any turning point; it’s a pivotal moment in history. If we don’t get this right, we could see the fall of America as we know it. But if we do get it right, we could usher in a new era of greatness. That’s what the Fourth Turning is all about. It’s not just about surviving the crisis; it’s about coming out of it stronger. It’s about building something new, something better, something that reflects the true spirit of America.
I’m an optimist. I believe in this country. I believe in the American people. We’ve been through tough times before, and we’ve always come out stronger. But it’s going to take bold action. It’s going to take real leadership. The kind of leadership that’s not afraid to make the tough calls, the kind of leadership that puts the people first, not the special interests.
So, what’s it going to be? Are we going to let the elites continue to run the show, or are we going to step up and take control of our destiny? I know what side I’m on. I’m on the side of the people. I’m on the side of America. And I have no doubt that, in the end, we’re going to come out on top. But we have to act now. We have to seize this moment. The Fourth Turning is upon us, and it’s time for the American people to rise to the occasion.
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PermalinkIf I can reflect back to our once great country's beginning. A revolt began its construction as well.
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