OPINION — Dr Currie’s statements, that Democrats are responsible for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and most agricultural programs is essentially true. What he doesn’t mention is that they are all bankrupting us. Is that success? As for civil rights, he’s got it all wrong. The Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with very little support from the Democrats. After all, it was the Democrats who instituted Jim Crow in the South, who formed the KKK. It was Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, the model Progressive, who proudly showed the Birth of a Nation, one of the most racist movies ever made, in the White House.
That’s all in the past, one might argue. I agree. I’m not for a moment suggesting Dr. Currie is a racist, but he is out of step with his party. The Democrat Party of today is the party of abortion, of infanticide, of gun restrictions and rescinding the Bill of Rights.
David Currie will tell you he disagrees with his party on abortion and gun rights. I believe him. So why is he a Democrat? How can he disagree with his party on something as fundamental as the right to life and self-defense and still call himself a Democrat? Because his daddy was? The Democrat Party of today is vastly different from the Democrat Party of 30, 40 or 50 years ago.
As for taxing and school financing, he’s for local control, which means the taxing authority has to be local. Yet he opposes school vouchers because they drain funding from public schools. If they were being well-educated, this wouldn’t be an issue. But they are not. Take a look at SAISD’s academic record. It’s been going downhill for decades and it’s getting worse.
Vouchers never work? That’s a bold statement. It’s also not true, but Democrats are dedicated to the proposition that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. Vouchers that work? How about the GI Bill?
Protect private property rights. Amen to that. It’s good to hear Dr. Currie believes in a wall and the second amendment. His party doesn’t. At least this week. They used to. Get Trump out of the picture and they will be back to endorsing a wall, if not the second amendment.
Put all healthcare under government control. Socialism doesn’t work. It never has. It never will. Socialism kills progress and causes more misery than any other economic or political system in the world. The most recent tragedy is Venezuela.
Today’s Democrat party lacks honor and morality. It has become a lock-step cabal of hatred against Donald Trump. It is a party of hypocrites who change their positions on a dime because they hate Donald Trump. If he’s for it, they are against it, and vice versa, even though their position was just the opposite when Barak Obama, the Democrat who sought to fundamentally change America, was President.
Dr. Currie needs to take an objective look at the party he supports. Does he really want to advance its agenda of abortion and infanticide, of punitive taxation and fascist tactics in curtailing free speech? Because that’s what he is doing.
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