Warning Graphic: San Angelo Chick-Fil-A Offices Defaced with Anti-Christian Slogans


The office for the local Chick-Fil-A franchise was vandalized over the weekend, reported the owner of the building where the offices are leased.

Landlord Chad Countess said that since the opening of the new, larger Chick-Fil-A on Sherwood Way, activity at the office in the Park 2400 shopping center on College Hills is used less, but they still come by from time-to-time.

The franchisee's corporate Chick-Fila-A offices were defaced with anti-Christian markings over the weekend of Apr. 11, 2015. (Contributed)

Above: The franchisee's corporate Chick-Fil-A offices were defaced with anti-Christian markings over the weekend of Apr. 11, 2015. (Contributed)

Over the weekend, the sign on the somewhat hidden door to the Chick-Fil-A office was defaced with black Magic Marker. “F&*^in Christians,” the vandals wrote. The homoerotic graphics added and references to homosexuality likely are pointed at Chick-Fil-A’s corporate chief operations office Dan T. Cathey’s vocal opposition to homosexuality in 2012, and the controversy of Chick-Fil-A’s charity, WinShape Foundation, that made donations to non-profits that oppose the homosexual agenda.

Countess said that he just found the defacing Monday and is in the process of informing his tenants.  He said he’ll likely file a police report. “My building. I can't believe this happens in West Texas,” Countess said.

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"homoerotic graphics added and references to homosexuality"? Were there any other "graphics" not shown? What about those that were shown are homoerotic? "Just the facts, ma'am."

As for the non-profits, would those be the ones that support "kill the gays" legislation in Uganda?

On the picture that isn't blurred you can see a swastika (the spider sign from Hitler) in the shadowed area in between the top and middle hinge. I think that's the other marking that is also being referenced to in the article. Because of what was written on the door, it can also be in the category of a hate crime which increases fines and/or sentences (if they are able to ID the person(s) involved in the graffiti). We, as a city, need to become more involved with reporting suspicious activity. Which can be done anonymously. If you see anyone behind buildings, especially in the over night times, chances are that they aren't there cleaning the parking lot. If anyone does see anything suspicious please don't take matters in to your hands or put yourself at risk. Call 911. It's a shame that this was done.

A rooster about to perform fellatio is homoerotic? Maybe since it's a male chicken? Looks more like some punk kids than the "militant gays" out to make a statement.

It's just another example of the tolerant left expressing their love for freedom of speech and equality.

What is more likely here, an intolerant, militant atheist marking up a door for a statement, or some punk kid trying to be funny?

Graffiti hardly ever is positive. The dangers we humans face are mostly from the hands of other humans. The very instant we espouse the notion that we are right and others are not, we walk the edge of the precipice. It's a matter of degree. Extremists are the folks that drink the Koolaid and jump the cliff. If you wear your religion or your politics like some sort of badge of honor, a glowing golden crown that places you on a pedestal above the poor misguided hordes of folks who just aren't quite as good, bless their hearts, you are a participating target for the ignorant. Words spoken, graffiti, destruction, are all degrees of violent action. Find the graffiti kids and you will find individuals who will put on a white sheet or hide behind a mask if they get just a little encouragement. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or the newer religion - Atheism, all are extraordinarily dangerous when seated in the Extremist mind. What's a little graffiti? The tip of the iceberg. I stay clear of any business that wears its personal and private philosophy on its sleeve. I run through the drive in window on Sunday and every other day at businesses that respect their employees by ASKING if they need time off for worship and ASKING which day they might need, not assuming that they MUST need Sunday.

Masaru, Wed, 04/15/2015 - 20:18

I agree with BM that this is probably some kids acting out, and here we have a commenter who wants this classed as a hate crime...

You know, you West Texas Fundamentalist Christians have a lot in common with Fundamentalist Muslims. I know an old man from New York who converted to Nichiren Buddhism in his youth and talks about facing persecutions in order to expiate karma... In fact, we Lotus Buddhists even have the example of "Saint Never-Disparaging," who eons ago faced persecution after persecution, being beat, cut, and run off, simply for telling people that they were destined for Buddhahood, inherently capable of tremendous good, and worthy of deep respect! I told him,"if you want to face persecutions from people and the 'ruler,' (local government,) come to West Texas and speak frankly about the Dharma, and see how long it is before some people decide to slander you, fight you, or even set you up because they don't like what you're saying and don't have the impartiality to engage you in conversation or debate."

Personally, I'm no saint and I'm not about to self-immolate for you people. I'd rather pull a "Jesus": grow my hair long and hang out with the hood rats and tax collectors. Whatever judgments you "Churchy" types make of other people, whether out of insecurity, anger, or even sating a mean spirit, I have no concern for it. Cruelty sown must be reaped, debts incurred must be paid, crime punished, reparations paid for wrong done, no matter how hard we fight against it.

Only compassion changes poison into medicine.

(PS: I might be a T-1000)

Masaru, Thu, 04/16/2015 - 15:30

"Crying" is actually an action - usually an automatic response to extreme emotion, but also to having a small object in one's eye. Believe it or not, ice skaters are not the only people who can cry.

My regards to Paula Deen, who you have featured in your current profile avatar.

I see people twisting and contorting, trying to somehow justify this hate & vandalism because San Angeloans are "churchy", backards, whatever...I don't have any experience with these judgmental, intolerant people of faith. I do believe that Christians in the good ol' USA are spoiled, and completely unprepared to fight for their faith. They've had it pretty good around here for 238 years or so, and unless they're informed better than most, they don't think too much about countless Christians all over the world that are slaughtered every year simply for practicing their faith openly. I won't make them wrong for that. The ones I know devote their money and a lot of time trying to make this a better community, and never ask for any credit. So when Joe & Company decide to make this a bigger story than it probably deserved, people are going to react. Hate hurts. This act of vandalism was an ill-conceived poke at the CEO of Chick-fil-A, but was striking out at all the "FuXXin' Christians". There is no doubt that if the message was directed at Mexicans, the "Joos", the "gays", blacks, Muslims, or anyone else in a protected class, there would be no question that this is "hate". Pardon me if I' not too rough on the folks who see it that way.

Masaru, Tue, 04/21/2015 - 17:01

The story itself is blowing some graffiti out of proportion. I understand that some people are personally offended and may even feel attacked or persecuted by the vulgar slogan and logo redesign and by the artist's disdain for all of the f*****' Christian's in the area. They may even feel that more manifestations of this persecution are imminent. All I'm saying is that it would be more mature to let it go and - I mean, since San Angelo prides itself on being this nice little community - handle it in a way that doesn't ruin some kid's life and send the police looking for every pedestrian behind a building.

Or not. Put the vandal in a smokehouse and eat him like jerky if you all want. Or just send the party responsible to the trusty, ol' fashioned bootyhouse. That'll show 'em.

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