Dreading Obamacare on a Slow News Day in San Angelo


Councilwoman Charlotte Farmer needs to record another YouTube video because the news business in San Angelo needs more drama.

At first, I thought it was just us being boring, so I carefully peeked at what the other guys were reporting. There I saw nothing but wire stories and press releases. I think we're safe.

Jody Gentry, proprietor of MediaJaw says he's a fan of LIVE!, but cautioned me that one of these days, I'm going to slip and reveal that I'm a red-blooded Republican retired bomber pilot from the suburbs who named his daughter Reagan. At that point, he estimated, you will unsubscribe. So, not to disappoint...

I wasn't a supporter of Senator Ted Cruz; I was a Dewhurst man. But I'm glad Ted Cruz is raising cane in the senate about Obamacare now. A big benefit of this gigantic Soviet style health care law was supposed to be altruism; that we'd be able to insure 30 million uninsured. But the CNBC All-America Economic Survey released yesterday says that only 1% of the uninsured say they have been able to afford health insurance because of the new law (see question 14 a/b).

Meanwhile, my insurance plan has been discontinued and I have no idea how to offer a health plan for my employees. I think we're all supposed to choose something by Tuesday, but I don't know where to get it. When I do figure out where to get it, every indication is that the plan will be much more expensive than before.

What is wrong with this country? Can we fix it? Pat Buchanan never disappoints and he has the solution here. Fight's on!

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Ted Cruz... the guy who said we need 100 more like Jesse Helms. THE racist Jesse Helms ? Ted Cruz... the guy who thinks it's ok to shut down the whole government to try and repeal or change something that has already been voted on 41 times. Joe, Find someone else to like before you ruin your good name ! The Tea party folks have already ruined the name of the GOP by taking them hostage.... Don't let the same thing happen to you !
Stina, Fri, 09/27/2013 - 09:16
I understand that San Angelo has a small town feel in relation to news and general goings on in town, but come on. This is reading more and more like a blog than a reputable news source. I had no desire to know your political affiliation, but now that I know you actually support Ted Cruz and his ridiculous antics, I am much less interested in getting my news from this source. Keep your personal views and opinions personal. You are running a business, not a small blog in west Texas.

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