Coleman Family Seeks Support for Newborn’s Medical Journey


COLEMAN, TX – A Coleman family is seeking community support for their newborn daughter, who was born with a severe form of spina bifida and has undergone multiple surgeries at Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin.

Kady Stovall, the mother of Molly Jane Berry, launched a fundraising effort to help with medical expenses and raise awareness about spina bifida myelomeningocele, a birth defect in which the spinal cord does not close properly during fetal development. Molly Jane was also born with a Chiari malformation, causing additional complications affecting her mobility.

Since her birth on March 4, Molly Jane has undergone multiple life-saving surgeries, including spinal repair and skin graft procedures. She may also require a Cricoid Split surgery to assist with breathing and the placement of a Ventricular-Peritoneal (VP) shunt to manage cerebrospinal fluid buildup.

“Although all of this is extremely financially taxing on our young growing family, we will do all we need to support Miss Molly’s lifelong journey,” Stovall said. 

Donations can be made through the family’s GoFundMe page by clicking here. 

For updates on Molly Jane’s condition, Stovall has been sharing progress reports on the fundraising page. The family expresses gratitude for prayers and support from the community as they navigate their daughter’s medical challenges.

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