Harris County Jail Reports First Case of Monkeypox in Male Inmate


HOUSTON – The Harris County Sheriff's Office Thursday confirmed that the Harris County Jail has had its first confirmed case of Monkeypox.

Sheriff Ed Gonzales took to Twitter to make the announcement. Here's the tweet.

In the tweet Gonzales confirmed that a male, who did not have Monkeypox upon arrival on Aug. 15, tested positive for the virus on Aug. 22. 

The primary means of transmission of Monkey Pox is through men having sex with other men according to health experts.  

The staff at the jail has quarantined everyone involved and is following all the proper cleaning protocols implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Harris County Sheriff did say that they are performing contact tracing to see if they can find out how the man got the virus and if he has spread it to anyone else.

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